Energy Supply & Utility Design Standards

Energy Supply & Utility Design Standards

Energy Supply & Utility Design Standards

E&U interfaces with capital construction projects in numerous areas and capacities including:

  • Utility supply (steam, chilled water, electricity, domestic water).
  • Existing utilities information/relocation.
  • Energy supply/procurement (including renewable energy).
  • Design review services as part of the CAPS process for major capital building renovation and construction projects throughout the University (including review of progress drawings and specifications at milestones).
  • Provision of Harvard standards and guidelines associated with utilities, building systems, and the integration of distributed generation.
  • Elevator design review/maintenance management.
  • Coordination between the University and the cities of Cambridge and Boston on issues relating to utilities, utility projects, building code compliance, and municipal permit coordination.
  • Assistance with procedures to obtain inspection/compliance permits and licenses including occupancy, liquor, places of assembly, tents, and flammable/combustible storage.
  • Providing interpretation of codes and regulations.
  • Acting as Harvard’s point of contact for project coordination with the Inspectional Services Department and Fire Department in the cities of Cambridge and Boston, and to external utility providers (private and municipal).

Given the capacity planning considerations associated with utilities, it is required that the project manager meet with E&U in the concept stage of a project to review the project’s potential needs and impacts.  E&U typically attends project meetings and provides review of construction documents throughout the project cycle (i.e. SD, DD, 100% CDs, & Permit Set) as part of the coordinated effort with other Campus Services units.  The project manager is responsible for ensuring that review comments are addressed in a timely fashion and that all conflicts are resolved prior to equipment procurement and construction.

    Department Contact

    Bob Manning
    Director of Engineering & Utilities