Blackstone Steam Plant

Blackstone Steam Plant

Blackstone Steam Plant

Harvard’s Blackstone Steam Plant supplies the University’s central distribution system with 400°F, 100 psig steam.  The service area covers a substantial portion of Harvard's campuses extending from Athletics and One Western Avenue in Allston, across the river to the Harvard Kennedy School, along the River Houses, through Harvard Yard, reaching the Law School and Divinity School in the North campus.

The plant's four boilers operate on natural gas nearly 100% of the time, however the ability to utilize fuel-oil has been retained to ensure reliability and redundancy.  Before exiting the plant, the steam can be used to power two turbines with the ability to generate a combined maximum output of 12MW of electricity.

    Did You Know?

    Did You Know?

    Approximately 90% of our steam output is recycled back to our plant as condensate.